Re: The Griffin Full range array?

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Posted by Jim Griffin [ ] on October 20, 2006 at 22:25:31:

In Reply to: The Griffin Full range array? posted by MaRLBORO on October 20, 2006 at 20:11:27:


I'm not keen on trying to achieve full frequency spectrum (20-20 kHz)range performance from small so called full range drivers. Even though several small drivers do a reasonable job of covering say 100 to 15,000 Hz, you have to EQ them to even properly cover the upper octave 10,000-20,000 Hz range. For the bass you'll need a real subwoofer to really do the job.

The best small driver out there these days is likely the Jordan JXr6 HD 2" driver. Alone it will cover 100 to beyond 20,000 Hz. But when arrayed, you'll have the same kind of response as Darren had with his 2" Tang Bands in the 32 driver array. Now you can use lesser drivers but you will have to do more EQ and still they won't would right off axis and across the upper octave.

Now Roger Russell (the former chief engineer at McIntosh) has published a couple of small full range driver designs in AudioXpress during the past year. In fact he is the designer of the array which uses a 3.5" Vifa driver. Now for $18,900 you can get a pair of 25 driver arrays and an equalizer that claims to solve all of mankind's problems. Or at least a line array that 'covers' 20 to 20,000 Hz.

Now if you are handy with wood working, you can build a real woofer/tweeter line array with world class drivers (up to say Seas Excels), ribbon tweeters (Founteks or A-C), and even throw in a DEQX digital crossover. If you do it right, you'll save yourself up to $10,000 vs. Roger's design. Plus your arrays will kick the tail of those ids25 arrays any day of the week.

What would you do?



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