Re: Comparison to Nearfield Acoustics Pipedreams with our DIY?

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Posted by Jim Griffin [ ] on September 08, 2006 at 20:37:45:

In Reply to: Re: Comparison to Nearfield Acoustics Pipedreams with our DIY? posted by otari on September 08, 2006 at 18:51:02:

My experience is that a couple of hours with an a set of speakers isn't enough time to assess their merits vs. another speaker set that you may have heard several days/weeks or whatever later. Acoustic memory vs. time isn't faithful enough to discern such differences.

I have heard the Pipedreams (the $80,000 version with dual subs), so I have no doubt that properly executed DIY line arrays will wipe them out. Now you do have to compare apples to apples as the Pipedreams have dedicated subs that would influence your opinion vs. another set of speakers sans subs.

Bottom line is any such comparison would have to be valid for future bragging rights. For instance, for less than a $10,000 total cost you can use implement DIY arrays which employ vastly superior drivers to the ones used in the Pipedreams. Plus for that amount you can include dual stereo subwoofers. And if want to make things really unfair (and have a few thousands $ more) you can add in a DEQX calibration processor (complete amplitude, phase, and time calibration plus room correction) to integrate things together. Then compare that to the high dollar Pipedreams and you would quickly conclude that the DIY array would trump them in every way. And save nearly $70,000!



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