What a difference a capacitor change can make!

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Posted by hurdy_gurdyman [ ] on March 05, 2005 at 13:03:50:

I just changed capacitors in my vintage H.H.Scott LK-48-B integrated amp. I replaced the old Ceracap coupling caps with just plain ole Orange Drops. Total cost for parts was about $20. The difference was almost shocking. I've complained about a "hashy" sound and had blamed the horns in my Klipsch Heresys for some time now. However, after changing the caps in the amp, I no longer hear any of the hashy sound. I'd have never suspected that changing out the old ceramic caps to an inexpensive cap like Orange Drops would make such a difference.
A couple of months back I'd bypassed the tone control circuit, which made a noticable difference, but nothing like the cap change brought on. It now sounds like I upgraded a couple of levels with a new amp.
I'm going to be busy listening a lot for a few days now...



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