Re: Beg to differ, but......

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on August 14, 2005 at 14:40:31:

In Reply to: Beg to differ, but...... posted by colinhester on August 14, 2005 at 12:49:34:

Except for a couple small details; such as manipulating the information to make it appear there were WMD's. Denying the reports of his own advisors that specifically addressed the total lack of rational for war. Sending the troops in unprepared and ill-equiped knowingly in order to capitalise on the 9/11 tragedy for his own agenda. Need I go on?
The second group into Iraq was the boys from Halliburton after the Marines and before the Army.
Need we say more?
BTW where's Osama? He blew up buildings and is wandering around enjoying himself.

This war was engaged to promote a personal agenda not for anything to do with our country and as such she has a right to be pissed. At least Lyndon Johnson had the integrity to refuse to run again after he realised he made a bad descision in Vietnam and caused our boys to die.

He is the President; not the Emporer. We do not owe him blind obedience. We are not serf's. He acts in accordance to our wishes as citizens and if he screws up we must hold him accountable.

The Buck Stops Here; Harry Truman was a real President; one that was elected and not appointed. I am only ashamed that I am not there with her. But that may change.


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