Re: Now that's why I wish I could think fro myself

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on June 27, 2005 at 09:01:22:

In Reply to: Now that's why I wish I could think fro myself posted by wunhuanglo on June 27, 2005 at 05:54:48:

It sucks having to be a full time cynic; but examine the evidence and compare it with past practice and it doesn't take a genious to see what folks are up to.
Then when you see millions agreeing with programs whose eventual result will cut the throats of the middle class; all I can say is it's draining both mentally and spiritually.
There was(Finally) a show on the so-called "liberal" media last night about all of the war wounded returning home and how terrible their wounds that are made with these IED's are. And how the Army provides very little support once the initial evacuation is accomplished. Families burning their life savings to be with their horribly mangled kids in some foriegn hospital; and refusing to discuss the burden of the loss of income has on the survivors family. Because the soldiers lose their combat pay and, if they return to the U.S. for treatment, they lose their offshore bonus. That leaves the families with huge financial burdens/loss of income/and loss of support with a person needing huge amounts of therapy. 14k of them as of this date.
And for what?
Then Rumsfeld glibly smiling in interviews about how naive we all are to think this war will end anytime soon. We are all so silly.


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