Yes, I got your mail; Sent a reply too

Yes, I sent you a reply. Check your mail; I've sent plans for Theater Series four π speakers.

Please note that this design uses the Eminence Delta 15 woofer/midrange and not the Kappa 15LF. As I mentioned in my first reply to you, I do not have plans drawn for a speaker containing a Kappa series driver. If you want to use a Kappa 15LF woofer, you may find that a different box and port is better suited. You should also examine the response curve and consider whether the drivers you've chosen are suitable for a two-way design. Many of the large-format Eminence woofers are, but I find that the LF-suffixed parts sometimes aren't. After finding a suitable woofer/midrange, I would design the speaker cabinet with PiAlign and model it with BoxPlot to confirm the design and see its response curve.

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