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Posted by PaulW [ ] on April 22, 2008 at 17:16:53:

Hi, I'll shortly be finishing my 7 pi mid-horn cabinets, so it's time to get some insulation.

However, in the UK R11 or 13 doesn't exist and a quick delve on the net leads me to believe that R11 is 3.5" loft insulation and R13 4" (approx). The thinnest insulation of this type (glass mineral wool) is 6" and even that's getting harder to find these days - is this OK to use or should I try to 'thin' it down a bit?

Also, for the bass cabinet it states that the insulation should be used on the side nearest the port, just to clarify, that does mean the internal port mouth as opposed to the side where the port exits?




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