Re: sub amp

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Posted by Wayne Parham [ ] on April 24, 2007 at 21:21:43:

In Reply to: Re: sub amp posted by tmoore on April 24, 2007 at 20:17:43:

You can point them downward but it will change the acoustic/pneumatic loading on the driver slightly, so response will be affected. To know what degree and therefore how far is "best" is entirely empirical and depends on other boundaries too, like whether in an open space or near a corner. Don't take this to be words of discouragement; Far from it, I think it's a good idea. Floor loading is like corner loading. What I am saying is that there are more variables involved than just a set figure. That said, there is one figure I can suggest, and that is don't get further than 1/4λ away from a boundary at the crossover point, which is about 2 feet. If you must be further than that from a nearby boundary, try to keep it further than 1/4λ of the lower cutoff, which is 14 feet. You're usually limited by the ceiling at 8 feet. That makes a notch at 35Hz, which is still pretty good.


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