Re: Comparing 4 PI's

I'm just in the process of gathering my parts for a set of Four Pi's and am finalizing the cabinet design. Pi Speakers are available either as complete speakers or just Wayne Parham's designs that he has graciously offered to make available to DIY'ers like us. He can provide assembled crossovers for you if you wish, but otherwise it's up to you to gather all the parts and materials necessary to build these his designs.

I've decided to go with building some Theater Four Pi's, and after considerable discussion with Wayne, my variant will use the Eminence Kappa 15LF driver instead of the Delta 15 because I want smaller cabinets. He says the Theater Four Pi crossover will work just fine with the Kappa 15LF and my wife would much prefer the 3.5 cubic foot cabinet that I can build for the Kappa as opposed to the massive 7+ cubic foot cabinets required for the Delta 15 in the Theater 4 Pi. George (replay) has built the Stage 4 Pi (see his picture in this thread) and it also is a smaller cabinet than the Theatre 4 Pi as built by Till E. (see posts below).


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