Re: Which Pi

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Posted by Wayne Parham [ ] on September 29, 2004 at 05:00:44:

In Reply to: Which Pi posted by John H on September 28, 2004 at 22:45:30:

Bottleheads are pretty tolerant of the load. I've run just about all of my speakers on it, and liked the sound. I'm running seven π speakers on my Paramours right now, and it sounds incredible to me. Both Stage and Professional sevens are my best picks for you.

Paramours and seven π loudspeakers

There are many other speakers that work well and don't cost as much, so it's really a matter of what you want to spend. My two π towers sound great on Paramours, as do the new eight π's.


Tower two π loudspeaker

eight π loudspeaker



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