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Posted by spkrman57 [ ] on February 02, 2004 at 12:10:55:

In Reply to: Seven pi questions posted by more on February 01, 2004 at 13:46:22:

I am running JBL 2226 (4 PI) and Altec 902 on (650hz/round/wooden Edgarhorns). I am running currently on a ASL Tulip 2A3 amp with 1st order crossover, but have run 3rd order Pi crossover also.

I believe the JBL will be more truthful to the music than the Delta 15's. I'm not saying the Eminence drivers are bad, just that the JBL's are that much better.

I am running the 15" driver with 2 mh coil(should be 1.4mh). I am planning to make a multiple connector so I may use the 1st order for low-power and swap to the 3rd order on the horn for up to 300 watts. They both have their merits.

By the way, for those interested in the 1st order cap i am using, a 4 ufd "oil in can" vintage 1958, rated at 50VDC. Might not be textbook value, but works pretty good in my small room.

Added note: I am using the JBL 3677 cabinets for my 2226, but having the driver towards the top of the cabinet(upside down), not near the bottom where I had it before. The reason being is that I am currently using a Titanic 12" su, and getting the 2226 off the ground cleans up the midrange/midbass.

I am not normally a sub-woofer person, but the price was right from a friend, so will play with it awhile before removing it from the system. Really nice with pipe organ music, but I don't need for my regular listening.

Regards, Ron


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