Hey all,I've finished construction of my horns, I'll share a few pics for ya, its not painted yet though but who cares I'll do that later :-) Its a 300Hz flare freq and is used from 440Hz and up to 1.6KHz. Its got the Eminence Alpha 6 driver on it.
I've not done any measurements of it yet, but I can say it sounds SOOO good! I love it, and man, is it ever clean sounding! On the last picture you can see the mounting plate and that thin bit of wood on it with the circular gap - that was so the cone wouldn't hit the mounting plate at high power. I was going to router it, but would be too much of a hassle for such a small thing. So basically I got an extra 3mm more room now and it doesn't hit anymore :-) I tried it without it, and I could hear the hitting but its fine now that I put in that spacing thing. I bought a pair of JBL 2225's and i'll use that below 440Hz and eventually will be put in tower enclosures which I'm building soon so I'll be sure to post the pics here too.Onto another subject...
I think it was Tofo before that asked for more info about Eighteen Sound drivers? you can go to www.eighteensound.it finally their website is up and I actually think that their woofers are very comparible to JBL woofers. For the 18" bass drivers, the 18LW1400 is comparible to JBL 2241 and 2242. Spec sheet for 18LW1400 with graphs etc is http://www.eighteensound.it/pdf/18LW1400.pdf but anyway I'll post the TSP below:
Xmax=9.5mm each way
eff=97db 1w/1m
Power compression at 700W: 3db
Xmech=50mm P-P
Has copper shorting rings and dual spiders and HEAPS of venting in basket and back plate etc..
I use the 18LW1400 myself, so I guess I'm "favoring" it a bit :P but I really do think its comparible to JBL motors. As for my own opinion, I think it sounds really good and also really clean at high volumes. The PDF file above has pictures and graphs etc and a bit more techincal stuff.
And hey! Eighteen Sound recently released a 21" woofer !!!! Its got similar technology to the 18" model above, like the farday rings etc, its just bigger, and louder. Also the T/S specs arn't spasticated, they are actually pretty damn good, I'd like to hear comments on it you can see it at http://www.eighteensound.it/pdf/21LW1400.pdf.
And yea... they got lots of 15" and 18" models as well... I just pointed out some of the best ones above, www.eighteensound.it shows them all and theres stuff there too comparible to 2226 etc.
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