Re: Klipschorns anyone?

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Posted by akhilesh [ ] on December 10, 2003 at 15:58:06:

In Reply to: Re: Klipschorns anyone? posted by Seeker on December 10, 2003 at 15:50:19:

Haven;t heard them. Do you know of anyone who has plans available? At some point in my life i would be very interested in building a horn loaded speaker based on a lowther driver, and the TP1 may be the way to go.
IMHO, lowther drivers are so individually idosyncratic that i would probbaly buy the drivers first, measure them and then design the horn dimensions for them.
however, the TP1s may just blow my mind. I used to think multi driver systems would induce coloration till i heard my klipschorns...seriously, with 3 horns i don;t have any problems at all. They sound just fine to me.
Wish i could hear the Tp1s! Anyone near oklahoma have a pair?


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