GPAF 2006

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Posted by Bill Agee [ ] on May 09, 2006 at 15:58:17:

Thanks to Wayne and his helpers for all the effort spent putting this together, and to Akhilesh for his hospitality, I really enjoyed it.

I must say that the two speakers I enjoyed most were Jim's line arrays and the Maxxhorn Immersion.

The line arrays were not driven to the levels I like to listen to, so I don't know if they had the bottom end to stay with the treble, but I really liked what I heard. I think they could have benefited from a better room (as most speakers would)and a higher drive level. I have heard line arrays that use larger midbass drivers and they really delivered on the bass so I don't know if an array of 4.5"ers is up to that task or not, but the midrange and up was very nice and detailed.

The Immersions really did it for me. I was really suprised to find that a coaxial driver was that capable (not to discount the crossover design). In my mind it was the best sound of the show. Although I listened both ways, I thought the integration of the sub with the mains and room was excellent; so good in fact that I was not aware that all of the bass was NOT comming from the Immersions.

I really didn't get a feel for all of the different electronics that were there, other than looks. However, when I was listening a setup in the Abraxasausio room, (electronics driving Brines FB 16's) I though the system ran out of steam reproducing the claranet glissando on "Prelude II" off of Dave Grusin's "The Gershwin Connection"; just no top end or dynamic range. I don't know whether to attribute that to the speaker or amp or CDP.

I also liked the room with the TT setup and playing. I was impressed with the quality of repoduction comming from the TT and am looking forward to getting mine setup and running.

The reproduction chain in the Azzolina room was interesting. I've been hearing about just such a setup, but had yet to see or hear one.

Technology changes so fast it hard keep up.



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