Quick Summary of the meet last SAturday

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Posted by akhilesh [ ] on December 19, 2005 at 11:20:24:

In Reply to: CHANGED to SAturday, DEc 17, 2005 at 2 pm posted by akhilesh on December 13, 2005 at 22:49:07:

WE don't pics since no one had a digital camera (my wife took ours with her on her trip).

In attendance were: Norris Wilson, Wayne Parham, Bill Wassilak, Norman Tracy & Leo.

WE listened to the following systems:
1. Fostex FE83E in a double bass reflex box (as recommned by Fostex). THis ran with a hsu vtf-2 sub from 25-90 HZ, and therest on teh fe83E. THe FE83e received an EQ boost of 5 db from 90-450 Hz. It had remarkable air, and it was interesting to see what ne could get out a 3 inch driver!
The amp used was a BEZ 2a3 SET with a SOny s3000 source.

2. Fostex FE103A (alnico) in a bass reflex box. These also ran with the same sub as in 1, the same SET amp as in 1, and the same source. THE EQ for these was different. People thought these sounded more fuller, and had "better texture".

I also had on hand a dynaco ST35 kit amp, which we did not get to play. Since then, I heard it with theFE103A, and it sounds damn good!
This is a 6bq5 pushpull amp, with the old dynaoc z565 cloth trannies.

3. Altec 15" 515b in a 5.5 cu feet BR box, with 511b horn using an 808a compression driver. The bottom was a Hsu vtf-3 12 inch sub, upto 90 HZ.
THe 515b was crossed at 1500 HZ, using a 24db crossover.
There was serious EQing here, using a 5 band parametric EQ for each channel.
SOme folk thought the top eend was too mellow on these, but this was a function of EQing ( i tend to turn down hiss, since it distracts me, but other folk are more sensitive to it. )I changed the EQ to meet other folks preference.
The main deal with this system is the sheer dynamics and power.

I also promised to call some folk after I Set up my music room, esp with my favorite system (the one with the cdd/bidat source, triamped with a hsu sub, trusonic 8 inchers and domes, and a 45 SET amp doing critical service from 90-3500 Hz).
That system, which we unfortunately could not hear is my favorite for my smaller listening room.

Anyway, this was just my summary of what happened.


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