Plan for dec 16, 2 pm meeting of GPAC

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Posted by akhilesh [ ] on December 12, 2005 at 19:19:10:

Hi Everyone,
Here is a tentative plan for the meeting. PLease let me know if you are bringig any equipment. But if not, I thought it would be funto do the following:

2-2:30 pm: Listen to some arbitrary systems I have in my music room
2:30-3:00 pm: listen to a Fostex fe103A BR box, crossed with a cheap sub. Compare at least a Bez 2a3 SET amp, and a dynaco ST35 push pull amp on this.
3-3:30 pm: Switch the FE103A box to a Fe83 Double BAss reflex box, and listen to the same stuff at the same volume. Again, compare the 2 tube amps.
3:30 - 4:00 pm: Listen to my altec horn system with a Hsu vtf3 sub.

4-6 pm: start the cycle again or listen to folks' equipment, if anyone brings anything.

Hopefully, we will be able to get some in depth ideas about htese components. PLease do bring music you would like to listen to, as well as let me know in advance if you are bringing any components.
If you need my address, please send me an email.


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