Stoetkit questions

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Posted by Wayne Parham [ ] on February 12, 2005 at 15:48:20:

I just finished my Stoetkit, and I love it. Sounds great!

Two things I noticed: The tubes run really hot, even hotter than a lot of single ended amps. I think they run hotter than the demo unit did. Is this maybe a difference in the tubes? Might some draw more current than others? The ones I have are RFT tubes, so I might try some other brands to see if I notice a difference.

Another thing is there may be just a tiny bit more hum than the demo unit had. I think I'll probably try some of the usual things to reduce hum, diodes, caps, maybe coils. This amp is a great little amp, and I'd like for it to be dead quiet when idle. Any suggestions?


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