Re: meeting write-ups

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Posted by colinhester [ ] on January 16, 2005 at 14:29:52:

In Reply to: Re: meeting write-ups posted by Manualblock on January 16, 2005 at 12:28:09:

I wish we could get together and talk about this face to face. This is going to a fun discussion. I'm playing Mr. Mom today, so I'll break my reply up in parts. I realize our view points are different, but we are both talking about the top 90%+ of audio reproduction. I believe it's just a different approach to the last 10%.

You wrote: "Logical Fallacy; (ask the better half.) You can't assume because emotion is attached to any endeavor it is deRiguer unapproachable."

Taking a loose sociological interpertation of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principal: once a system is observed, the system is changed. Therefore, I would argue that there will ALWAYS be a bias. There is no way around it.

You wrote: "I have stated before in this forum; there is a reference standard. A system of components that, when people enter the room they know immediatelly that this sounds good. If that is true and I know we have all experienced that; then take that supposition to the logical conclusion"

I think this is where we differ in our approach. I would say there is no standard refernce system. Have you ever been in a bad mood and put your favorite piece of music on? You know, just to cheer yourself up? Sure, everyone has done this. So now, how do you remove emotion from a critical evaluation? Music stirs the emotions. And I would argue that the converse statement is true as well: Emotions stir the music.

Gotta go, the kids are crawling all over me.....Best regards, Colin


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