impersonated post

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Posted by ********** [ ] on September 15, 2005 at 09:39:31:

To whom it might concern.

The post above was not authored by Roman Bessnow. I am who I am and I stay OPENLY behind my word, my actions and my opinions.

I told it before and I would like to say it again that my sincere definition of justness and righteousness is an eradication of the ART and AA form the face of earth. Nope, I do not wish them just to die. I would be grateful for if all their families, all their children, all their percents, all their friends and everyone who ever came close within 10-miles would be wipe out form the face of the Earth. It is not that I am a vindictive of cruel but if that happen then I would be gratified and woul laughingly accept it as an ultimate God’s wisdom.

Nothing further should be said and I demand that impersonated post above to be deleted.
Roman Bessnow


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